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The .drosserc.js file

This file holds your mock server general configuration. It's optional as all its keys have default values. It must simply export a configuration object.

Here is a typical example of what it could contain.

import { defineDrosseServer } from '@jota-one/drosse'

export default defineDrosseServer({
  name: 'My mocks app',
  port: 8000,

Configuration reference

Key Default value Description
name - The name of your app. Mostly used to recognize it in your console or in drosse UI.
port 8000 The port on which your mock server will run.
If not specified in .drosserc.js and already in use, Drosse will use the next available port if finds (8001, 8002, etc.)
baseUrl - The base URL (ex. for the routes
basePath - A prefix (ex. /api/v2) that will be added to each route path
routesFile routes Name of the routes definition file.
collectionsPath collections Relative path to the loki collections directory from your mocks directory.
shallowCollections [] List of collections that should be recreated/overriden on each server restart.
assetsPath assets Relative path to the assets directory from your mocks directory.
servicesPath services Relative path to the services directory from your mocks directory.
staticPath static Relative path to the static files directory from your mocks directory.
scraperServicesPath scrapers Relative path to the scraper services files directory from your mocks directory.
scrapedPath scraped Relative path to the scraped files directory from your mocks directory.
uploadPath uploadedFiles Relative path to the uploaded files directory from your mocks directory. These files are deleted when the db is deleted.
database mocks.db Name of your loki database dump file.
dbAdapter LokiFsAdapter IO adapter to use for database persistence.
middlewares ['morgan'] List of global middlewares. Drosse provides 2 built-in middlewares, 1 being added by default. The second one is 'open-cors'.
templates {} Templates to be used in routes.json. See Templates documentation.
extendServer - Used to set custom instructions to the server application. Must be a function with the following signature: function ({ server, app, db }) {}. server being the node http.Server instance, app the h3 instance and db the drosse db api.
onHttpUpgrade null A function that initiates a websocket connection. This is happening once during HTTP protocol upgrade handshake. Must be a function with the following signature: function (request, socket, head) { ... }.
commands - Used to extend Drosse CLI with custom commands. Must be a function with the following signature: function (vorpal, drosse) { ... }. See the CLI commands documentation.