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Static mocks

As you've probably noticed, the inline mocks are not that dynamic... For instance, if we take the GET /api/users/:id route, you can call it with any value for :id, you will always get the same response. Although it can be enough for most usecases, sometimes we want a little bit more.

That's where the so-called static mocks can help you. Where you have only one mock possibility with the inline (body) mock even for parametrized routes, static mocks offer you the possibility to have a different mock for each value of each parameter!

That is why these mocks are stored in separated files. It would otherwise bloat your routes.json file.

To define a static mock, simply set the static property of your DROSSE object to true. Let's take the previous example and replace the parametrized route inline mock by a static mock:

  "api": {
    "users": {
      "DROSSE": {
        "get": {
          "body": [
            {"id": 1, "name": "Jorinho", "premium": false},
            {"id": 2, "name": "Tadai", "premium": true}
        "post": {
          "body": {"success": true}
      ":id": {
        "DROSSE": {
          "get": {
            "static": true,
            "extensions": ["json"]

With such a definition, when you call GET /api/users/65?withDetails=1, drosse will look for a specific file in the static subdirectory of your mocks directory.


You can redefine this static directory name in your .drosserc.js file (see Configuration).

Drosse will look for different filenames, from the more precise to the more generic until it finds one that matches. Let's keep the above example and see which filenames will be looked for:


You can pass more than one extension to check for. By default, if you don't pass the extensions key next to the static key, it will fallback to ["json"]. If you search for other file types, like images for example, Drosse will automatically return the file instead of a JSON response.

If you have a route with several path parameters, drosse will ignore them from left to right. Example, for this route:

GET /api/users/:id/posts/:type

Assuming that you have 2 types of posts, unread and read and a big quantity of users, it's more convenient to be able to define a mocked list of read posts and another mocked list of unread posts, independently of the user. For that usecase you can then create only 2 files in your static directory:



If you are not sure of the precedence for a given route, just try and check the drosse console. It will log each failed attempts.

If we try to call GET /api/users/3 and we have defined the following static mocks files in our static directory.


1:11:29 AM App Example JSON static app running at:
1:11:29 AM  - http://localhost:8000
1:11:29 AM  -

1:11:29 AM Mocks root: /some/path/mymocks

1:17:27 AM loadStatic: tried with [/some/path/mymocks/static/api.users.3.get.json]. File not found.
1:17:27 AM loadStatic: tried with [/some/path/mymocks/static/api.users.3.json]. File not found.
1:17:27 AM loadStatic: tried with [/some/path/mymocks/static/api.users.{id}.get.json]. File not found.
You can see above that the system has first tried with the most precise api.users.3.get.json (resolved parameter + verb). Then it tries the same without verb (api.users.3.json). As it still fails, it tries without resolving the parameter, but again with the verb (api.users.{id}.get.json) and finally find a corresponding mock file with api.users.{id}.json. Of course this last one is not logged as it was found.


If Drosse really doesn't find any file corresponding to the requested endpoint, it will give an ultimate look in the scraped static files. More on this in the Scraping section.