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Getting started


As a local npm dependency in your node project

  1. Simply install it as a dev dependency of the project you want to mock.

    # with npm
    npm install --save-dev @jota-one/drosse
    # or yarn
    yarn add -D @jota-one/drosse

  2. Define a script in your package.json file for simpler usage

          "name": "my-node-project",
          "scripts": {
            "mock-server": "npx drosse serve path/to/mocks-directory"
          "devDependencies": {
            "@jota-one/drosse": "^1.0.0"


Drosse also ships with an esm compatible version (as of version 3.1.0) which you should launch with drosse-esm:

      "name": "my-node-project",
      "scripts": {
        "mock-server": "npx drosse-esm serve path/to/mocks-directory"
      "devDependencies": {
        "@jota-one/drosse": "^1.0.0"

As a global npm package

  1. Install drosse globally.

    npm i -g @jota-one/drosse

  2. Run it via the serve command followed by the path of your drosse root folder:

    drosse serve /path/to/my/mocks
    # or with esm mode (as of version 3.1.0)
    drosse-esm serve /path/to/my/mocks


You need a directory where you will store all your mocks definitions.

  1. Create a directory anywhere in your project repository (or anywhere else).
  2. Update the package.json script you just added in the Installation phase to target your new mocks directory.
  3. In your mocks directory, create a routes.json file. This file will hold every single mocked route of your server.
  4. In the same directory, you can also create a .drosserc.js file. This file allows you to configure your mock server (see Configuration). It's optional but you will very likely need it.